vangelo del giorno

A good tree cannot bear bad fruit

25 JUNE (Mt 7,15-20)

God is the truth. God, who is the truth, is all in Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus is the full, perfect, divine and human truth of God, in the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of truth. Man was created in the image of God’s truth. He lives if he remains in this truth, that he must accept with the will and with the wisdom and intelligence he was enriched with by God, he must turn it into his life. He draws the truth from God, who communicates it to him through his Word, which is most pure truth, transforms it into his body and into his blood, into his daily history and he lives. If he is detached from the Word, he dies.

But God does not communicate his Word directly to every man, he communicates it through his prophets, his messengers, persons charged by Him to transmit his Word to every creature. Who lives in God, lives of Word of God and communicates the Word of God. Who does not live in God, does not live of Word of God, never might he communicate and transmit the Word of God. This will transmit his own word, certainly not the Word of God. In order to be credited so that his word is given true welcome of faith, he will say that his is the Word of God. He says it, but he deceives. This is attested by the fact that he does not live of Word of God and does not know the Word of God.

Jesus knows how much damage produces a word not of God made to be passed as the Word of God. He invites his disciples to put all kind of attention. They must not listen to the word, they must observe the life of those who proclaim themselves as true prophets of the Lord. Observing their life, they will notice that there is a perpetual contradiction between what they say and what they do. Their works are not the fruit of the true Word of God; on the contrary, they are the fruit of their flesh, their passions and their sins.

The word of true prophecy is always evidenced, guaranteed by the life rich of fruits of all goodness, meekness, patience, charity, magnanimity, humility and great generosity. True prophecy is in the greatest freedom from the things of this world. The true prophet will never gain anything from his mission. Jesus the true prophet of the living God was born in the greatest poverty and died naked on a cross. Nothing did he receive from this world. But he gave everything to the world. He even gave it his body and his blood as real food and drink of eternal life.

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you will know them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? Just so, every good tree bears good fruit, and a rotten tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a rotten tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. So by their fruits you will know them.

Jesus gives his disciples an infallible rule. The true Word other than the gift of God is also the fruit of the true life of the person. Real life attests for his true word. Life is real if interwoven with fruits of the Spirit. Since the tree is good, it will always produce good words. It will always tell words which are from the truth of God, regardless of whether they are or are not directly from God; however, they always come from his true nature that can produce nothing but true fruit. The true word is always the result of a real person. The tree is good and the fruit is also good.

You do you look first at the tree and then you say that the fruit is good. Instead you must always start from the fruit. You take the fruit, if it is good the tree is good. If the fruit is bad, the tree is bad. Since the tree of a false prophet does not produce only words, but all other fruit, by observing his fruits, it is easy to understand that one is confronted with a dead, sick and not good tree. His word is also defective, diseased and not good. This rule of Jesus is infallible. So why many let themselves be deceived, mislead and taken in? Because God wants man to always put into practice wisdom and intelligence. He wants man to always believes in his Word. Who does not believe in the Word of God, will always let himself be deceived. He is also a bad tree with bad fruit.

Virgin Mary, Mother of the Redemption, Angels and Saints make us good trees.