vangelo del giorno

No one knows the Father except the Son

 27 JUNE (Mt 11,25-30)

One has the impression that today the Church lives with an old Gospel devoured by the worm. Let me explain myself. When the worm attacks the vegetal matter, some parts are eaten whole. Only some peripheral rim exists of them. Other parts are pitted with more or less wide holes, which make the text unreadable, there are many consumed, non-existent and disappeared words. It is a real disaster. Today it seems that a lot of theology uses as a reference book, laid at the foundation of its arguing, just that old worm-eaten Gospel.

This explains why the theology is being lost. It lacks the true Gospel, the one written by the Holy Spirit, the one interpreted by the Holy Spirit, the one known by the Holy Spirit and the one taught by the Holy Spirit. With an old worm-eaten Gospel a theology whose truth is also pitted, incomprehensible, unworkable, unable to enlighten minds and unable to warm the hearts, comes out. This theology is deficient, cold, awkward, inadequate and not just evangelical. Never could the rest be evangelical, since its primary reference book is this old worm-eaten Gospel.

It is necessary that theology is clothed with great humility. It prostrates itself before the Holy Spirit, who alone has the real book of the Gospel, the sound one, never exposed to the fury of the devouring worms of the human mind, and asks him to give it back as a gift. Until the theologian will remain with his old pitted, drilled, pierced from side to side Gospel, even his fruit will be a pitted, perforated and pierced from side to side theology, without dialogue between truths, devoid of any connection among its vital parts, devoid of any content of true salvation.

Today the worm has eaten in an irreparable way all parts of the Gospel concerning Christ and his one mediation. Mediation in true, perfect, authentic and infallible knowledge of the Father. But also mediation in the gift of comfort, peace, sequel and great imitation. Mediation in the grace and truth. Mediation with regard to the gift of the Holy Spirit. Mediation in every other gift of God. The life of a man is from this mediation. Jesus Christ is more than the body to the soul. Without the mediation of the body, the soul leaves history and enters eternity. Without the mediation of Christ, even faith abandons man, one enters total falsity.

At that time Jesus said in reply, “I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike. Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will. All things have been handed over to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him. “Come to me, all you who labour and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for your selves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.”

Deprived Jesus Christ of his mission, the Church that is also Christ’s mediation, disappears. The Church is the Body of Christ. If the soul of this body is not needed, is deleted, abolished, ousted, forced to leave, to abandon, to escape and to retreat into eternity, the body is necessarily in death. It could not be otherwise. Christ is to the Church, as the soul is to the body. If the soul leaves the body, the body is doomed to rot, to decay and thus applies to the Church. Either the Church consolidates her soul and makes it her vital principle, or she is doomed to rot, to decay, to be reduced to dust and ashes. It has neither future and nor present of salvation that Church that is afraid of her soul. On this subject you cannot tolerate any misunderstanding and any ambiguity. The truth must shine in all its splendor. The Church does not relate to God, but to Christ. To reach up to God, the Church necessarily needs Jesus the Lord.

Virgin Mary, Mother of the Redemption, Angels and Saints give us the perfect truth of Jesus.