vangelo del giorno

Will yourselves sit on twelve thrones

11 JULY (Mt 19,27-29)

Peter still lives with an archaic mentality. He has not acquired the new thinking of Lord Jesus. He lives of the old covenant. He also thinks as in the ancient covenant. The giving and receiving must be strictly proportionate. I give to God, God gives to me. I give to Christ, Christ gives to me. If I leave everything I have to receive everything, otherwise there is no true justice. We are not in the true covenant with our God. Changing vision, modifying the thought, putting in mind a new truth is the hardest thing. We often die with the same thoughts as when we were born. Life passes by, our body gets old, old thoughts, that are made more and more vital, remain forever young and present in us. We update the forms of thought, the essence is always the same.

Who follows Jesus must learn to think like him, to live like Him, to act like Him. The imitation of Christ the Lord is first and foremost in the thoughts. This is the conversion that He asks at the beginning of his preaching. You cannot walk with Him, go behind his body, but remaining anchored in the personal thoughts, the personal ideas, imprisoned in the patterns of the Old Covenant and especially in our structures of sin and perversion of the mind and the heart. If you choose to follow Jesus, you have to walk behind him, hearing his voice, putting into our hearts his heart, in which there is only the thought of the Father and his most holy will.

The Father is the most pure gift of love, forgiveness, mercy and compassion. Jesus is the  most pure gift of charity and eternal life. However, he is a gift that is offered to man from high on the Cross, asking for nothing in return to man, but to let be conquered by all his love, living of it and for it, to spread it in the world, to give it to all thirsty and hungry hearts for true love. Jesus does not give to receive. He is an eternal gift. He gives himself without any interruption. That is his nature. This is his vocation. This is the status of his being and of his acting. He is God’s gift to all of humanity. He is the gift of salvation, redemption and justification, for the elevation of man up to making him share in the divine nature.

It is well understood that in this divine and eternal logic of Jesus, the thought of Peter is quite backward. It is an old thought. It cannot hold. Jesus does not abolish it. He does not deny it. He reassures his Apostles. He interacts with them according to this old thinking, but elevating and sublimating it to the top of its truth. They left everything. They will receive infinitely more. Hundred times as much on earth. In heaven they will have the highest place, the one of the judges of their brothers. With this reassurance peace descends into the heart of Peter and of the others and they can continue the journey to Jerusalem. Reassuring a heart can always be done, on condition that we are constantly moved by the divine wisdom and intelligence of the Holy Spirit.

Then Peter said to him in reply, “We have given up everything and followed you. What will there be for us?” Jesus said to them, “Amen, I say to you that you who have followed me, in the new age, when the Son of Man is seated on his throne of glory, will yourselves sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times more, and will inherit eternal life.

The science of Jesus according to which he instructs his disciples is divine. He does not illuminate them with the fullness of his mystery. They could not understand. He descends and puts himself within their reach. He talks with their thoughts, but opening them up to a new vision. They deal with spiritual and physical problems and also Jesus deals with spiritual and physical problems. They want and He gives. They claim and he grants. However, there is an elevation in the truth in his speech. God never stays back in love. He beats all for divine wealth and abundance. They leave a wife. God gives them one hundred. God gives infinitely more.

Virgin Mary, Mother of the Redemption, Angels and Saints give us the true logic of Jesus.