vangelo del giorno

Such has been your gracious will

16 JULY (Mt 11,25-27)

The world is saved by the truth. Falsity never saved the world, although apparently it seems the opposite. All religions are incapable of giving true salvation. They are incapable because they are without the truth that saves. They are empty of the grace that redeems, raises, transforms and elevates before the true God and Lord. They all give an apparent, illusory, partial and fragmented salvation. No one has the power in the Holy Spirit to proclaim to every man the need to get converted from this wicked generation in which he lives, even due to the false religion he embraced.

Even the Church of the living God is plummeting towards such a falsehood that deprives her of her power of salvation and redemption. She is the only true strength of justification and radical change of man. She is the only way, the only path, the only road to go through, because she is the only true one. All others are not true, many are also completely false. If the Church does not take possession of her truth, she also, sooner or later will become like the other religions: a shell of false truths, a chest of esoteric doctrines, a basket of human thoughts an empty sack devoid of any real content.

The truth of the Church is Jesus Christ. However, not as an appendage of his history, of his being and of his acting. Not as an idea among other ideas, truth among other truths, sign among other signs, with no life like everything else she thought and built. Christ is not the secondary for the Church. He is the Principal. He is the Essential. He is the Person one can never do without. Because Christ is the only Mediator between God and the whole of humanity and the Church is the only Mediator of Christ one and only Mediator.

If the Church is the Mediator, Ambassador, Herald, Instrument, Sign, Sacrament and Body of Christ, it is very clear that if she does not give Christ to hearts, her mission is vain. But if her mission is vain, even the religion she teaches and lives is also vain. And never might a religion of deceit and falsehood generate any life. She will give everlasting death. She does not generate children to the Lord. She drives them away from Him. She might also do excellent things by herself, but always without any life. She is a branch separated from its true vine. She is a branch detached from its tree. She is a plant uprooted from the ground. She is a sun with no light. She is a turned off moon. She is a star that has exhausted its splendour.

Mankind is ruinously slipping into one of its big and strong dehumanization. All this is happening because the Church torn by schisms, heresies, contradictions, divisions, separations, contrasts, sidings, roped parties; she forgot who she is: the sacrament of Lord Jesus. She left Christ to take possession of a Word without Christ, because it is without the full truth of Christ and the full truth of Christ is the unity of his Church, of this great sacrament of true salvation and redemption. It is the Church in Christ and it is Christ in his Church the way of true knowledge of God. Neither Christ without the Church. Nor the Church without Christ.

At that time Jesus said in reply, “I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike. Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will. All things have been handed over to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him.

It is necessary to recompose this most profound unity of Christ and his Church. There is no true unity with Christ without there being true unity with the Church. Not even might there ever be true unity with the Church that is not true unity with Christ, hailed as the only, the true, the one, the unique and the universal Mediator of grace and truth with his Father who is in heaven. The Church must become aware of this truth with great urgency. She cannot let go even a single day. She is the body of Christ and as such she is the only Mediator of all the power of grace and truth of her Lord. Without the Church no grace, no truth will shine in the world. You walk on streets of falsehood.

Virgin Mary, Mother of the Redemption, Angels and Saints make us true sacrament of Jesus.