vangelo del giorno

It is the smallest of all the seeds

28 JULY (Mt 13,31-35)

Since Satan has injected into the human heart the poison of pride, a mismatch and a reversal have occurred that are a true disaster for the entire universe. Man has lost the truth that is in him. He is constantly in search of a truth that comes from things to him. He broke the link with the divine truth, in whose image he was created by his Lord and desperately searches for a connection with things that never might be the source and spring of his truth.

God is the only truth of a man. Never might a creature give truth to a man. Rather, man is called to give the truth to every other creature. Today the tragedy is just this: having lost touch with his original, spring truth that makes him true, a man cannot in any way give truth to things. The truth of a man is from the truth of God. The truth of things is from the truth of a man. Being men in falsehood, they pull everything else in it. The false man makes every other thing become false: politics, economics, finance, art, science, technology, poverty, wealth, love, joy, peace and justice. He makes the very holiness, worship of God and every other relationship, become false. Whatever he does always surrounds him with falsehood.

What is the greatest temptation which we are witnessing every day? Thinking, believing, considering that from the false man truth can start for all things. Wanting to give truth to every relationship though the laws that the very false man wrote. From falsehood can only come falsehood and never truth. Never might who is false give truth to things. It is his false action that then will transform into falsehood his every relation. This truth must be shouted, screamed, proclaimed and cried out in every corner of the earth. It cannot be kept hidden under a bushel. It is necessary that is put on the lamp stand.

Besides, never might a man hope to return to the truth by himself and for himself. We do not enter into the truth by a scientific, philosophical, anthropological immanent process. A man is neither the source nor the spring of truth. Today, man is only a pit of universal deceit. The truth comes down from Heaven. It is given to us. It must be accepted, acknowledged and transformed into our daily lives, into all our small and big relationship with every other being in the universe: man and thing. Without the acceptance of the truth, we are all immersed in a perpetual immanence of death.

He proposed another parable to them. “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a person took and sowed in a field. It is the smallest of all the seeds, yet when full-grown it is the largest of plants. It becomes a large bush, and the ‘birds of the sky come and dwell in its branches.'” He spoke to them another parable. “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed with three measures of wheat flour until the whole batch was leavened.” All these things Jesus spoke to the crowds in parables. He spoke to them only in parables, to fulfil what had been said through the prophet: “I will open my mouth in parables, I will announce what has lain hidden from the foundation (of the world).”

Today, the truth that Jesus invites us to welcome is very simple. Every disciple of Jesus is called to live a single dimension: giving fullness of truth to his being a Christian. This occurs through the transition from falsehood to truth that is all in Christ Jesus, that is Christ Jesus. One welcomes him: grace and truth; one welcomes him: way, life, light and holiness. One returns to be the truth. Every day, growing in Christ, living with Him and for Him, our truth which at the beginning is smaller than a grain of mustard seed, gradually will grow, will dilate and will become a big tree. By becoming a man perfect truth, little by little he also begins to fertilize the world with perfect truth. The mission of the Christian is not primarily towards others, it is first of all towards himself. Everyone is called to become an ever greater truth in Lord Jesus. Who becomes truth helps others to become truth. Never who remains a lie might attract to the truth. He will spread around him darkness, never light and never wisdom.

Virgin Mary, Mother of the Redemption, Angels and Saints make us truth in Christ Jesus.