vangelo del giorno

Can a blind person guide a blind person?

12 SEPTEMBER (Lk 6,39-42)

Hypocrisy is the real incurable disease of the spirit. When it takes root in the heart, its ramifications are so strong and powerful, as to kill any truth in it. Falsehood, lies, big appearances become the governors of a man. One is in total blindness. This is the fruit of pride when it corrodes the soul of a man. Jesus did not have a single day of respite from this world of hypocrisy, deceit, falsehood and researched and built appearance. This world had him also hung on the cross.

Every man, for his natural vocation to love, must be a light for the other person and for everyone. He must be the light of wisdom, intelligence, discernment, truth and very high morality. Every man is called to bring relief to those who lie under the shadow of spiritual death and falsehood. It happens more than you think that one lives the vocation but as a hypocrite, false, blind, impostor, liar and deceiver. From the darkness you cannot spread the light. Never might the most pure truth rise from falsehood. What humility might ever come from pride? Might ever perhaps a sound and proper morality come out from hypocrisy? Who is in the mud might not speak but of dirt.

Jesus says this with great clarity. A blind man cannot guide another blind person. To help the other one must be sighted. He sees who is in the light of the Holy Spirit. For this reason we are obliged to let ourselves be wrapped by the powerful light of the truth and of the highest morality. Only then will we be able to help our brothers living in the blindness of their spirits and their souls. From hypocrisy you can just stir up a scandal, you can only raise clouds of dust that we call truth. Instead they are nothing more than falsified readings of the very reality, distorted visions of what happens.

Today, many are the blind in truth and sound morality that agitate the waters to make scandals of all kinds come to the surface. As the agitated water immediately after is stagnant and what was invisible becomes visible again, so it is for these continuous agitations. We agitate whatever we believe is rotten for others, but not for the salvation of others, but only to cover our rotten which is much larger and covers a much larger area. The disciple of Jesus must always remember that his every word is of most pure salvation, redemption, justification and elevation of hearts with God.

And he told them a parable, “Can a blind person guide a blind person? Will not both fall into a pit? No disciple is superior to the teacher; but when fully trained, every disciple will be like his teacher. Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own? How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me remove that splinter in your eye,’ when you do not even notice the wooden beam in your own eye? You hypocrite! Remove the wooden beam from your eye first; then you will see clearly to remove the splinter in your brother’s eye.

Who wants to carry out his mission of true saviour and redeemer of his brothers, in Christ, with Christ, through Christ, must take matters into his own hands to purify himself from all sin, vice and trespass. He must remove from his eye the beam of evil that prevents him from seeing well in order to be of real help to others. No blind person might ever think of becoming a light for others. No hypocrite might ever teach others how to live with most pure honesty. Never might from the dishonest be born what is honest. Never might from darkness appear light. The dishonest with his life educates to dishonesty. Who is in darkness attracts to it and does not bring into the light.

Instead, we take matters into our hands to the clearing out of our heart, our spirit and our soul; we takes away from them whatever is not according to the truth and morality of Lord Jesus and we might be able to support the spiritual journey of the brothers. Who does not see the beam that is in front of his eyes, might he see the speck that is in his brother’s eye? Wisdom dictates that before you cleanse your eyes and then those of others. Never might a non saint lead to holiness. It is eternal truth.

Virgin Mary, Mother of the Redemption, Angels and Saints make us perfectly true.