vangelo del giorno


Ex 23,20-23; Ps 90; Mt 18,1-5.10

The Holy Scripture reveals to us that not only man is assisted by the Angels, but the Lord as well. The Gospel shows us that Jesus, God and Son of the Father, was served by them from the moment of the annunciation to his resurrection. An event of the Old Testament lived by the prophet Elisha introduces us to this mystery that many today deny.

When the king of Aram was waging war on Israel, he would make plans with his servants to attack a particular place. But the man of God would send word to the king of Israel, “Be careful! Do not pass by this place, for Aram will attack there.” So the king of Israel would send word to the place which the man of God had indicated, and alert it; then they would be on guard. This happened several times. Greatly disturbed over this, the king of Aram called together his officers. “Will you not tell me,” he asked them, “who among us is for the king of Israel?” “No one, my lord king,” answered one of the officers. “The Israelite prophet Elisha can tell the king of Israel the very words you speak in your bedroom.” “Go, find out where he is,” he said, “so that I may take him captive.” Informed that Elisha was in Dothan, he sent there a strong force with horses and chariots. They arrived by night and surrounded the city.

Early the next morning, when the attendant of the man of God arose and went out, he saw the force with its horses and chariots surrounding the city. “Alas!” he said to Elisha. “What shall we do, my lord?” “Do not be afraid,” Elisha answered. “Our side outnumbers theirs.” Then he prayed, “O Lord, open his eyes, that he may see.” And the Lord opened the eyes of the servant, so that he saw the mountainside filled with horses and fiery chariots around Elisha. When the Arameans came down to get him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, “Strike this people blind, I pray you.” And in answer to the prophet’s prayer the Lord struck them blind. Then Elisha said to them: “This is the wrong road, and this is the wrong city. Follow me! I will take you to the man you want.” And he led them to Samaria. When they entered Samaria, Elisha prayed, “O Lord, open their eyes that they may see.” The Lord opened their eyes, and they saw that they were inside Samaria (2Kings 6,8-20).

Tobias makes his long journey along very impervious roads accompanied by the Angelo Raphael. The Book of Ezekiel begins with the description of the chariot of God, a singular, very special carriage. It was composed of cherubs. The Angel Gabriel guides Daniel for the understanding of his visions. It is He who announces the birth of John the Baptist by explaining and illuminating every detail of that event. Even the Virgin Mary in the house of Nazareth receives the visit of the Angel Gabriel that announces her the virginal conception by the work of the Holy Spirit. The Angels communicate to the shepherds the birth of the Redeemer in Bethlehem and to women his glorious resurrection. Jesus in the desert was served by the Angels and in the Garden of Olives was comforted by one of them. Denying the existence of the Angels is like removing a pillar from a viaduct. The whole edifice of Scripture collapses. Nothing is more understandable. Nothing could be explained about the life of the Virgin Mary and of Joseph. Was not Peter released from prison by the Angels?

At that time the disciples approached Jesus and said, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said, “Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me. “See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father.

What does Jesus want to teach us saying: “Be careful not to despise one of these little ones, because I tell you that their Angels in heaven always see the face of my Father who is in heaven?” Jesus warns us. The little ones must be respected. To guard them and defend them at any moment the Lord will give the Angels a command and for us it will be trouble. We are warned. History is an infallible witness. Society, families scandalize children, the Angels come and take peace and joy away.

Mother of God, Angels and Saints ensure that no scandal destroys a young life.